Wednesday, January 18, 2012


As of yesterday, January 17 2012, I have started a creative writing course at school. For those of you that don't know, art, in any form, is a passion of mine. I love to seek out the depths of creativity that the human mind can reach. Back to my main point, writing has always been a really fun hobby of mine so when I heard about the class I jumped at the opportunity. So far I really love the class and I hope to be able to strengthen my writing skills even more by the end. Just out of curiosity I would like to know what your views on art, literature, and creativity are. Also I would like to occasionally post some short stories or poems that I write and in return would gladly accept your critiques and advise. Thanks for reading and as always, dream like Daniel.

1 comment:

  1. Art in any form is a statement of the human condition. Weather it be a political such as Ayn Rand's masterpiece "Atlas Shrugged", or simple like Dr. Suesses "Cat In The Hat".
