Monday, January 23, 2012


About two weeks ago, I went through one of the scariest moments in my life. I had just arrived at my house after a long day of school and immediately walked to my room and fell asleep. I believe I was more tired than I've ever been because I fell asleep in under a minute, maybe even under thirty seconds. Anyways, I began to have a very unusual dream. In my dream, I had a viewpoint of body. In a way, I could see myself sleeping, but from a first person vantage point. Because of this oddity, I started to try and wake myself up. I succeeded in waking myself up and I heard my parents talking downstairs so I went down to greet them. Once I walk into their room, I teleport back to my bed and I'm in the same vantage point as before. I was still dreaming. This incredibly scared me and I did not know what to do. So, I woke myself up again and went through the entire process once more and the same thing happened. I would always 'poof' back to my bed once I reached my parent's room. This routine happened consecutively about four times. I began to become terrified that I was stuck in a kind of limbo and I literally began to lose a grasp on what was reality and what wasn't. It was horrible. After about four times of the same routine, I finally woke myself up by screaming my name in my dream. I looked around my room and actually questioned if it was reality or not for a second. I felt like I was going mad. It was the craziest dream I've ever had in my lifetime. Have any of you ever had an experience like this dream? Or any experience for that matter, where you lose faith in what's real or not?

1 comment:

  1. Hm, I have a similar nightmare as well. I wake up and see that I'm languishing under chains tethering me to the rock. But as I look before me a woman is chained screaming my name again and again. I feel my enegry and strength sapped from me and I'm helpless. I can't sleep.
