Thursday, January 19, 2012


I am watching the Southern Republican Presidential Debate right now. One of the recently asked questions was; "What is your take on SOPA, and how does it affect Americans?" Please state your views on the SOPA and PIPA bills and whether they should be discarded or not. As for myself, I am against SOPA and PIPA. Although I should probably research the actual bills a bit more than I actually have, the general impression that I received was that these bills would attempt to rid the Internet of all forms of online piracy and censor sites that are unconstitutional in ways. I have feared Internet censorship ever since I first heard of the idea in early 2011. I despise the idea of researching for something and not being able to view it because of a censorship law. I think passing these bills would be an incredible disregard of American freedom.

At the Republican Debate, all four of them opposed the bills. This was to be expected because support for the bills would be incredibly unpopular among the population, especially because of the recent protests from multiple websites such as Wikipedia, Google, and Reddit. However, Rick Santorum made a statement that was different from the other three candidates. He states that he supports the elimination of the bills, but also explains that he is not supportive of illicit material that is being downloaded for free on the Internet when it should be bought, which is understandable. What I found funny about his answer was his statement; "The Internet is not a free zone where anyone can do whatever they want to do and trample the rights of other people." If I asked someone what the Internet was and they gave me an answer that was the opposite of that statement, I would deem it an acceptable answer. Just something extra I wanted to share.

Also, my sincere apologies for posting so late, or early, I suppose. Today was a busy day.

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